Confident, inquisitive, motivated and inspired – this is how an A1 student sustains excellent grades for life.

A1 Learning Hub is a premier academic enrichment hub for children to be nurtured into future global leaders. Our approach aims to ignite your child's love for learning and maximise their potential. In addition to mastery of the school syllabus, we impart practical learning techniques to equip them for life.

Our 3i Approach


Each child is born unique. To derive maximum benefits, our A1 teachers customize individual learning in accordance to your child's pace. The curriculum is structured based on different levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced which will provide the challenging assignments tailored to maximise your child’s potential.


Our interactive approach stimulates the brain and keeps it active for the learning process through group interactions and presentations. This process will invigorate the brain's natural response to novel tasks and challenges, and create confidence in the child.

InfoComm Technology
InfoComm Technology

With the use of our rich ICT resource of educational tools, games and materials, A1 Learning Hub provides our students with a powerful multi-sensory learning platform.